About us
The intelligent assistive systems research group is a research joint venture of the professorship "Human Factors, Interactive Systems" and of the professorship "Ambient Intelligent Systems", which are part of the Rhine-Waal university of applied science.
Our vision's statement
We work together in a team to discover, design, and develop digital technologies in which we put the human – who traditionally have been at the endpoint of a transaction – first. We are proud of our human value-oriented approach, and we believe in the power of our holistic and interdisciplinary approach as a change maker. In our usability lab, We welcome innovation - no matter where it originates. We aspire to learn, adapt, and communicate openly about our processes as we invest in the most promising edges of science, many aspects of human perception, decision- and action behavior. By modeling and transferring these insights into technical systems to stimulate cognitive systems for academic and industrial applications, we develop new innovative and anticipative products that simultaneously fulfill the most significant user needs.

An AI system that cannot explain itself is not really intelligent.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Ressel

Modern Assistive Technologies have to adapt to the user and to anticipate their behaviour – not the other way around.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kai Essig
Research Domain
To develop cognitive systems that can interact and support users in an intuitive, anticipative, and natural way according to their individual needs, we apply a holistic approach where we combine modern methods and techniques from various disciplines, such as:
- Usability Engineering
- Augmented Reality
- Artificial Intelligence