Pedro Ribeiro, Wolfgang Müller, Ido Iurgel, Christian Ressel and Carrie Ching
Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
University of Education Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany
To comprehend a text the readers can benefit from their capacity to bodily interact with the environment to construct the meaning of a text. Specifically, they use their perception, action, and emotion systems to gain a deeper understanding of the text. Readers’ mental simulations of perceptions, actions, and emotions associated with a text facilitate reading comprehension, motivation and learning. The digital augmentation of reading aims at the artificial enrichment of reading through digital media. This concept has the potential to digitally synchronize the text with the surrounding environment and to promote an embodied reading experience. This paper reviews and analyses recent relevant work about the digital augmentation of reading. It aims to construct a design space to support researchers, designers or educators to systematically explore design parameters that enable the effective creation of embodied reading experiences, which foster comprehension and learning. This research indicates the under-explored configurations of the design space as well as the most frequently used configuration patterns. The paper also provides examples of how the design space is utilized (e.g., in school).
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